05 October 2002


i can't understand you
i can't find your heart
i'm walking through your secrets
it's tearing me apart

i can't see your tears
i can't touch your hand
if only i could help you
if only i could understand

your walls seem insurmountable
your scars far too deep
your mirrors can only hide you
when others fail to seek

i know this may hurt me
i've felt this love before
i know how this story ends
but i can't let you cry anymore

i can see the pain inside you
i can kiss away your tears
you have to let me try
let me quiet your fears

i can't promise you the world
i can only promise you my love
i can't promise you forever
because that isn't long enough

of the few things i know
this i know for sure:
i won't ever hurt you
like others have before

This was inspired by Dustin. During the fall and autumn of that year, we talked for hours on the phone every day. I came to know a lot about him, the things that he wanted me to know. I think I inadvertently learned other things about him in that process. No matter how I look at it now, my intuition at the time, as I expressed here, was sadly true, in even the ways I didn't quite understand then. I only wish he had believed me, but moreso, himself.

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